15 Years Healed!

Yes, it’s been over 15 years that I have been healed from chronic lyme disease, hard to believe. No, I don’t have the secret to the magic bullet, what I do is try to keep it simple. Eating as healthy as I can, exercising, watching my stress levels, and still detoxing (detox baths, dry skin brushing).

I am still a full time caregiver for my now 95 year old Mom and believe it or not I enjoy it since my Mom is so sweet and not demanding. I do admit there are mornings where my Mom sleeps late and the thought enters my mind that she passed which scares me as I know I won’t handle it well. Yes, logically I know she is 95 yet I believe we are never prepared to lose a person we love.

My Mom loves to play cards everyday and even though there are times when I’m too busy taking care of the house I still stop what I’m doing to play with her.

Getting back to me, I really don’t know what to say about being healed all these years. I guess I believe that stress plays a huge role in healing and/or learning how to deal with stress. Exercise helps, talking to a therapist also helps (I have done that when I felt overwhelmed). So instead of avoiding what’s really bothering you please vent to someone even if it’s your pet.

Now we have this Covid-19 virus and many people are rattled by it. I’m not. No, I’m not in denial but I’m not going to let it control my life. I’m used to being home all the time (way before this virus emerged) and I protect myself by wearing a mask when I go food shopping and run other errands (I admit I hate wearing a mask). I do question this virus in many different aspects because I’m a naturally curious person. Well guess what? There are no facts on the internet probably due to the powers high up. We don’t know how many people have died from getting the vaccine but I will tell you I refuse to get it. It’s too soon. If you want to be an experiment that’s your choice. I’ll wait and see.

Wishing you good health!

2 thoughts on “15 Years Healed!

  1. It is so encouraging to read these posts of yours every year! Thank you for not forgetting this blog. You help keep someone alive.

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