Tag Archive | detox baths

10 Years Healed!

Yes it’s been 10 years for me that I have been healed from chronic lyme, woo-hooooo!!  I’m sure that I have been bit by ticks as well as other vectors that carry lyme bacteria but I never became sick.  I think I know the answer as to why which is I learned so much when I was sick that I incorporated all those tools into my everyday life.

Tools?  My box of tools consist of detoxing as much as I can (I don’t detox everyday), dry skin brushing, exercise, eating as healthy as I can afford to, keeping my stress levels down which is not always easy as life is full of surprises many of them unpleasant and some we have no control over..

Yes, it’s January 7, 2016 and I must admit I am worried about my Mom who recently turned 90 and is suffering from high blood pressure, showing signs of early dementia.  I am not ready to lose her and I wish I didn’t live 6 hours away from my Mom but I try to visit her as much as I can.  So I am feeling stress from that…

On the bright side of the coin I am feeling really good physically and mentally, been on a diet (low carb), learning new recipes to keep my immune system strong and this past weekend I made fermented sauerkraut for the first time!  I have to wait at least 7 days before I can refrigerate the canning jars.  I am really curious to what my creation will taste like!



From Dr. Mercola who I subscribe to:


I feel lucky that there is a farmers market in town where I buy organic veggies so I know I am eating healthy and not GMO foods.  I can’t afford to buy 100% organic so I do the best I can with what I have.

I really don’t have much to say about chronic lyme except it was a nightmare when I was living it but I learned so much from being sick that it turned my life around for the better and may it be the same with you!  Learn as much as you can, watch the free online videos from reputable doctors who explain how the body works, yes, there is a wealth of information out there!  One just needs to know where to look..

Wishing all a healthy and happy 2016!

Low Body Temperature ~ Buy a Thermometer and Save Your Life by Dr. Jernigan

Low Body Temperature by Dr. David Jernigan

Buy a thermometer and save your life. Knowledge is the best hope and gives you the courage to strive to be a leader, to where you can teach and lead a society as a whole that tend to sustain a destructive lifestyle.

One of the very common findings I have noticed with my patients is a low body temperature or at least a very unregulated distribution of temperature in the body. So, I want to give you a reason as to why you should always rejoice in a fever and be thankful you have a fever. I am finding that our population is cold, therefore, I hear, “I never got sick and now I have a serious illness, I don’t understand.”   So, today, take your temperature and your family’s temperature, to see if you are “normal” or cold.

Your core body temperature is the temperature taken under the tongue. When human physiology books refer to the “normal” core body temperature it is presented as a range sometimes listed between 97.0-99.0°F.

Understand that the “Normal Range” for temperature or even the normal ranges in blood tests are based upon the average person of our day. That is why “normal” changes periodically, because as our average population continues to get sicker the Normal Ranges must be adjusted. So in this discussion I am speaking about what is an optimal core body temperature – 98.6-99.6°F.

Much emphasis is usually placed upon feverish conditions; however, a low body temperature is a much more sinister condition. Where a fever can be viewed as an active developmental and corrective process of the healthy body, a low body temperature can never be viewed as a normal or healthy condition, nor is it a mechanism for a learning or developmental process in the body. A low body temperature creates a happy home for viruses and chronic infections, and is a sign of degeneration and gradual cellular death.

Low body temperature is the plague of the 21st century. People with low body temperature have a weak reaction to even the most ideal medicines and therapies. As the body’s core temperature becomes cold, the energetic crystalline matrix experiences a systemic collapse and the tissues condense. The cooperative and collective intelligence of the human organism is short-circuited as the body temperature cools. As a result, all cellular functions decrease.   There is a decrease in the production of all hormones, neurotransmitters, and other body chemicals necessary for normal healthy balance. As a result, there is an increased susceptibility to infectious disease. As temperature drops, the acidity of the body increases and the normally predominantly negative polarity of the cells become more positively charged.

The colder the body becomes, the more prone the person becomes to depression and other psychological abnormalities and all degenerative illnesses of the body, mind and spirit.

Until the causes of the lowered temperature are addressed and corrected, the best that can be hoped for is only temporary or mild improvement of symptoms and a gradual but steady overall decline in health.

Viruses prefer and promote a cold environment and replicate at a much more rapid rate when the body is cold. Viruses are killed and further replication is impeded by maintaining a warm body.   Some bacteria such as Lyme spirochetes also prefer and promote a cold environment and can remain in a chronic state as long as their cold environment is maintained. Therefore, in the interest of the prevention and treatment of any viral, bacterial, or chronic illness, this topic must be understood.

The ultimate body coldness is seen in death. When observing a corpse many clinical gems can be gleaned and correlated to degenerative states of human suffering. In death, the blood and lymph fluid of the body solidify and the body becomes stiff and cold. In the same way, many chronic cold illnesses such as Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and cancer, we see that the body becomes progressively colder. As the body cools, the electrical oscillations of the fluids in the body slow down and there is a shift in the body’s polarity which promotes infectious microbes and cancer.

We can see the same principle of what happens in the body by observing the same dynamics in a water molecule. When the electrical oscillations of a water molecule slows down it becomes a solid, ice. As we speed up a water molecule’s electrical oscillations it liquefies and ultimately becomes a vapor.

The colder a body becomes, the slower the electrical oscillatory rate and therefore the thicker, more viscous, or syrupy the body fluids become. The more viscous the fluids become the more difficult it is for the body to push the fluids through the body. The lymph fluids that are normally supposed to bathe the outsides of all of your cells become progressively stagnant as it is too thick to move efficiently. Now, consider the fact that just like your skin is constantly dying and flaking off and being replaced, so it is that every cell in your body is in a constant state of dying and being replaced. Only now the cold, syrupy lymph fluid cannot wash the dead cellular debris away.

As a result the body becomes a toxic waste dump!

Keep in mind that the body has been too cold possibly since birth, due to suppressive medicines, vaccines, fever reducers, heavy metal and chemical toxins, and energetically dead foods. The retraining and resetting of the body’s thermostat is just the beginning of healing the body of chronic illnesses. The normal body temperature must be held steady possibly for a year or more in some cases before the body can undo the damage of a lifetime of coldness.

Everyone can afford a simple thermometer. Track your temperature when you first awaken in the morning, before even getting out of bed. This reflects your core body temperature, when it is not being influenced by what you just ate, drank, or your activity level. Many of you will likely be surprised to see just how cold you already are. This is the result of generations of suppressive therapies and an imbalanced life. You must save yourself.

Many doctors will undoubtedly say that you need to take a thyroid medication to bring up the body temperature; however, this is the same mentality of taking a Tylenol for a headache. If you don’t believe me then ask anyone on the prescription thyroid medicines what happens when they go off of the medication? The body returns immediately to the previous cold condition. Definitely support the normal functioning of the thyroid, by detoxification, organic iodine, and nutritional support, but see the coldness for what it really is, a sign of multi-organ system breakdown, and longstanding or even generational imbalance. Besides, it is really the hypothalamus that regulates your core body temperature, along with your degree of motivation and sex drive. The hypothalamus is actually “upstream” from your thyroid. It helps the pituitary regulate the thyroid.

The healthy body has daily temperature fluctuations (diurnal) with the coolest temperature in the early morning hours, and the warmest being in the evening between 8-10 pm, after having rested for half an hour. Tracking of the difference between morning and evening temperature should reveal, in a healthy person, a difference of at least 0.9° F (0.5° C). People with a low body temperature and an overall degenerative condition will find that this temperature variation is minimal. Another unusual finding of dysregulated body temperature is that the evening is often colder than the morning reading.

The body’s best chance at long-term healing increases in direct proportion to the restoration of normal body temperature and its normal diurnal fluctuation.

You and your healthcare team must address your body from every direction and with every balancing tool available. You can never truly overcome this condition with pills. Therapies must engage and reactivate and stimulate the rhythmical, metabolic, and nerve/sense aspects of your body, addressing the body, mind, and spirit.

In a cold body there is always a disruption of the rhythmical aspects of the organism; that part of you that establishes balance between the metabolic and nerve/sense aspects of your body. No other medicine can restore this better than Iscar®, a European, injectable, prescription homeopathic medicine. Iscar does not artificially cause the body to heat up in the way many dietary supplements do, such as ephedra (ma huang) commonly used in weight loss supplements.

Other supporting therapies designed for restoring the rhythms of the body must be applied. These therapies might include color and sound therapy, hot and cold contrast therapy, life-activity planning, breathing and voice therapy, rhythmical massage therapy, curative movement therapies, and indeed, every other treatment from your doctor will address in some way the rhythmical aspects of your body. Peat (wool) clothing and oils also have unique properties that make this natural plant fiber ideal in the restoration of the warmth organization of the body.

Low body temperature must be addressed to bring the body back to balance. The temperature must be elevated to end the dying process of the body and to help the body eliminate the cellular debris or the “sludge” in the body.

For more information of how to raise your core body temperature please refer to the book, “Beating Lyme Disease” written by Dr. David A. Jernigan

Treatment: (Even though Iscar is the primary treatment, if you cannot incorporate Iscar injections, do as many of the following therapies as possible and track your temperature) (For your convenience, there is an order form in the back of this book.)

Temperature monitoring and graphing (upon awakening, and between 8-10 pm after a 30 minute resting period)

Infrared Sauna Therapy – detoxifies body and restores circulation of blood and lymph.

Dry skin brushing morning and evening (Entire body)

Bath Therapies:  Nutritive bath, Detox bath #1 and #2: take one bath per night before bedtime, alternating in the above sequence.

Mustard foot baths: at least once per day, preferably in the morning or early afternoon.

Peat/wool blend products (I recommend at least the mattress pad and comforter)

Peat/wool socks: wear all day, especially in cold weather

Peat/wool shoe insoles: always

Peat/wool kidney wrap: worn during waking hours, especially in cold weather

Peat/wool hat/cap: indoors and out due to the fact that heat escapes through the head as heat rises.

Peat/wool bedding: mattress pad and comforter

Peat/wool apron computer shield:  whenever using a computer

Peat/wool seat cover:  good for putting underneath a laptop computer when using it on your lap.

Equisetum Oil (Wala/Raphael) over kidneys: apply over kidneys 2-3 times per day

Cuprum/Nicotiana Ointment (Wala/Raphael) apply daily to soles of feet morning. (If using the Mustard foot bath in the morning, apply ointment afterward)

Solum Uliginosum Oil and Bath Essence… This oil and essence is great for restoring the warmth organization of the body. They also are beneficial for chemical sensitivities, and those suffering from weather-change related sensitivities. The oil and essence are low odor products made in Germany, both can be added to a bath for all over body application. May be applied as needed.

Iodine Skin Test and Treatment (see instructions in book)

Daily Color Therapy: follow instructions in book.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Two 1-hour sessions per day for first 5 days, then two to three sessions per week thereafter.

Chiropractic spinal, pelvic, and cranial alignments combined with specific homeopathic, nutritional, glandular, and myofascial support using Bio-Resonance Scanning™, or other body circuit balancing technique…as dictated by your healthcare professional.

Chi Oxygen Exerciser®: work up to 20 minutes per day. (Or other movement therapies)

Dietary Changes: see Dietary section dealing with low body temperature.

Lifestyle modification

CRT (Computerized Regulation Thermography) tracking of progress.


Dr. Jernigan’s Healing at Home Protocol that I followed

Below is the protocol that I used and maybe it will help others.

I took Borrelogen and nothing else for 4 weeks after trying Colloidal Silver, Samento, etc. because they did nothing for me.  I had lost hope in all remedies after trying what others tried.  I didn’t expect to feel any better when I first ordered the Borrelogen but to my shock and delight I did!   I felt my old me coming back, not all of me but part of me!   Hope had arrived, yes, that hope that I lost when I was sick and lost sight of getting better…

Knowing that 1 bottle of Borrelogen was supposed to last me 4 weeks I ordered another bottle because I read that I was supposed to take that for 2 months then switch to Microbojen.

My energy came back and I must have looked pretty silly opening a can of paint that I had for years and digging out that old paint roller in my basement, yes, I  started painting a wall in my den.  I didn’t care that I got paint on myself and splattered it all over because I didn’t put down a drop cloth…  I was painting!   From not being able to walk to painting a wall, wow!

It was not all wows as I was aware that I was suffering from brain fog..  Well, I was not expecting anything from the Borrelogen and look what happened..  So I called up Dr. Jernigan’s clinic and told them about my foggy brain.   Some lady I spoke with suggested I take the Neuro-Antitox CNS/PNS Formula so I ordered that.  She also suggested I start doing coffee enemas (I said to myself, yuck!!)  I didn’t think I would do that but I ended up doing those too.

Thus, I took both the Borrelogen and Neuro-Antitox CNS/PNS together for a couple of months (more like 3 months instead of the recommended 2 months).  And then I stopped the Borrelogen and took the Microbojen (still taking the CNS/PNS Formula) for another 3 months, then took all 3 together for some months.   I was not exact as I did not order in time so my protocol was delayed.

I didn’t take the other supplements that Dr. J. suggested.  Why?  I honestly don’t know.  Maybe it was because I was feeling so good from what I was taking that I felt I didn’t need it.

Below is the protocol Dr. Jernigan wrote:

Please note:  This protocol was written over 10 years ago thus there are botanicals available today that were not invented by Dr. Jernigan when I followed his protocol.

Note:   Follow this protocol for 3-4 months beyond the disappearance of your symptoms

Borrelogen: 1 to 2-droppers under the tongue (about 30 drops in each dropper), then swish it around the teeth and swallow, 3-times per day with or without food.   I put the Borrelogen and other botanicals in a glass of water and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes so most of the alcohol evaporated.

Borrelogen has been clinically tested for over 10 years and from that experience we know that even as good as we believe it to be, some of the microbes will eventually be able to become resistant to the changes it makes in your body’s energy. Therefore, we must employ a better strategy. The most effective strategy we have come up with is to rotate remedies in the following manner.

Take Borrelogen for 2 months, then switch to Microbojen for 2 months, and then take the Borrelogen and Microbojen at the same time for 3 months.

By this time, all the while employing as much of the rest of this book, you should be well on you way towards the quality of life you seek. Even if you feel dramatically better soon after beginning this protocol, it is not wise to discontinue this plan of attack, since history has shown us that most people who feel better early on, and quit the treatments, experience a reoccurrence of their symptoms and blood tests show positive still.

Borrelogen contains the following botanical ingredients, each of which is added to the formula based upon Bio-Resonance testing as opposed to the selecting plants based upon their known actions or historical uses. Phragmites communis rhizome, Morus alba leaf, Baptisia bractiata, Fiddle-leaf fig folium, Chrysanthemum moritolium flower, Platycodon grandiflorum root, Prunum armeniaca kernel, Glycerrhiza uralensis root, Baptisia australis, Mentha hapocalyx, Ophiopogon tuber, Una-de-gato, Morus rubra fruit, Cuscuta, Scindasis aureus, Ipomoea quamoclit, Dracaena dermensis, distilled water and 20% grain alcohol.

Sensitive individuals may want to work up this amount, starting with only a few drops and see how your body reacts before increasing the amount. If you feel worse, then your organs of elimination likely are not working well and need to be supported. In this case follow the recommendations outlined in the chapter on “Detoxification Therapies.” If you are feeling worse upon starting any Lyme treatment, it is likely due to the increased movement of Lyme toxins. This problem is often remedied by significantly increasing your dosage of Neuro-Antitox Formula™ listed below, in order to breakdown and bind up more of these toxins.

In other words, the less Lyme toxins, the fewer symptoms.

Microbojen: 1-2 droppers, 2-3 times per day in water, with or without food. Like all of the Jernigan Nutraceutical formulas, Microbojen is frequency matched to provide the body with the information and building blocks it needs to overcome and control specific problems. Neither Borrelogen nor Microbojen treat disease in the classic sense of the term. They are not an “antibiotic” although they provide the body with the specific informational frequencies needed to overcome and control microbes. They are therefore designed to work with God’s design of the human body, instead of, “doing for the body what the body should do for itself” as in the case of most prescription drugs.

Microbojen was initially developed in an effort to prepare for the worst-case scenario of biological warfare. Bio-Resonance Scanning was used to simulate the worst condition we could think of. We simulated that “if” a person had, all at the same time, the following microbes, what corrective frequencies would the body need to overcome them. We simulated a person having smallpox, anthrax, HIV, hepatitis B and C, West Nile Virus, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus, and Bubonic plaque all at the same time. Obviously, this is an unlikely event, however by formatting the test for such a condition it is likely that the resulting botanical formula, Microbojen, will be highly effective against a wide range of the world’s worst “designer microbes.” The end result of this research, Microbojen, just so happen to test amazingly well against the just as evil microbe.

Lyme spirochetes and their partners, Babesia microti, Ehrlichia and the many viruses found in chronic sufferers. Microbojen contains the following botanical ingredients: Tragopogon (aerial), Isatis root, Lasiosphaera fungus, Scrophularia root, Oldenlandia herb, Moutan peony bark, Phellodendron bark, Poria cocos sclerotium, Glycerrhiza uralensis.

Neuro-Antitox Formula:   I took this (the Neuro-Antitox CNS/PNS Formula) with the Borrelogen (or with Microbojen when I switched botanicals) with or without food. This product was developed to detoxify the body of the Lyme-related toxin. This is a must for any type of treatment to limit feeling worse from the bacterial die-off, called a Herxheimer reaction. It is needed in the body for detoxification and in various enzymatic functions. It is good also for various aches and pains and even helps normalize blood sugar levels.

You may select the specific formula you need based upon where your worst symptoms are, i.e., nerves, brain (CNS/PNS Formula), muscle and joint pain (Musculo-skeletal/Joint Formula), heart problems (Heart Formula), or if you are not sure then there is the Basic Formula. It may be that you have to use more than one formula as in someone with problems in the muscles and the nerves, in which case one or two capsules from each of the CNS/PNS Formula and one or two from the Musculo-skeletal/Joint Formula can be taken.

Wobenzym-N: Take 8 to 11 of these smooth, coated pills (they are about the size of an aspirin and go down easily) 3 times per day, on an empty stomach. Take them at least two hours after eating and at least 45 minutes before you eat something. These are systemic enzymes, so we don’t want them to be used up simply coming in contact with food in your small intestines.

Wobenzym-N should be continued for the duration of treatment until full restoration of quality of life is restored. Wobenzym-N is a very effective anti-inflammatory product as well as a potent immune system booster. In that most pain involves inflammation, improvement in even stubborn pain can be expected often within 24-48 hours. Improvement is often cumulative improving gradually the longer one uses Wobenzym-N.

Research performed in Europe showed that Wobenzym-N helped various antibiotics penetrate the tissues up to 40% better. Bio-Resonance Testing has so often demonstrated complementary/synergistic effects when used with Borrelogen and Microbojen, that it has become a foregone conclusion in many doctor’s clinics that it is needed in virtually everyone needing these remedies. Wobenzym-N is second only to aspirin in over the counter sales, with one hundred million people taking them every day, including many European Olympic athletes.

Wobenzym-N seems to help remove interference in the tissues to the movement of healing energy and medicines. Volumes of research over many years and millions of people bring strong confidence in this well-known systemic enzyme. Its many benefits include immune system support, anti-inflammatory activity, and acceleration of the rate of healing. Wobenzym-N in my experience also helps restore the body’s warmth organization through breaking up the accumulation of antigen/antibody complexes and by freeing the metabolic processes from their cold, sclerotic, low output. It seems that in Lyme disease, as in many cold/sclerotic illnesses, the body’s chemical reactions (metabolism) are being held captive and the energy producing mechanisms of the cellular factories have wrenches in all of their gears. Wobenzym-N seems to remove these wrenches over time by directly and indirectly breaking up excessive protein accumulations in the intracellular spaces. Excessive protein, as we have said, promotes darkness and cold, therefore Wobenzym-N should break up the darkness allowing the light and warmth metabolism to be restored by the other treatments specifically designed to do so. Dosage is large due to the fact that these enzymes are used up as they work their way through to the farthest reaches of the body. This is not a digestive enzyme, it is a systemic enzyme. This dosage should be maintained for 1 month, then reduced to 6-8 pills, 2-3 times per day thereafter for six months to a year, or as directed by your doctor.

Side-effects: With overwhelming research, and millions of people using this product every day, there is virtually no safer product on the market. An expected effect of Wobenzym-N is the healthy thinning of the blood. This is one of its healthy effects; however caution is warranted in those using prescription blood thinners, anti-coagulants, or those suffering from bleeding disorders. It is generally recommended that Wobenzym-N be discontinued 2-3 days prior to any surgery, or dental work due to its blood thinning properties.

Beyond Chelation™ …….. 1 packet, taken 2 times per day, with or without food, taken for 6 months to a year, or indefinitely. This product will support the nutritional needs of the body while it is being stressed by the detoxification process. Beyond Chelation provides the highest quality essential fatty acids, botanicals, minerals, and nutrition needed for optimal function of the brain and nervous system, heart and circulatory system, and virtually every other tissue in the body. Beyond Chelation also contains Calcium EDTA, which will help remove many of the toxins and heavy metals jamming up the machinery of your body. It also contains high-allicin garlic, which is a favorite antimicrobial of some of the world’s leading medical doctors who treat Lyme disease naturally.

Herxing and Detoxing

Hmmm, when I first became sick I never heard the word “herx” or technically the famous Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.  I really never herxed very much but perhaps that’s because I learned about detoxing plus I think my detox pathways were working.

When I first heard the word “detox” I thought to myself “what in the world does detoxing have to do with lyme disease?”…  Made no sense to me and sounded a bit nuts!  But the more people talked about it the more I learned that detoxing had everything to do with getting better from lyme disease.

We all have toxins in our bodies and if one thinks about it, where do the toxins go if I we don’t help get rid of most of them?  They get recycled back inside our bodies causing joint pain, fatigue, and the list goes on.  So what does on have to lose by detoxing?  Nothing except toxins!  🙂

So out I went and bought bags or cartons of Epsom Salts, bottles of hydrogen peroxide and a dry skin brush.  And I started taking detox baths (first I dry skin brushed my entire body to open up the pores so the toxins could come out).   To this day I continue to dry skin brush and take the detox baths because I believe we live in a toxic world.

When lyme bacteria die, they leave toxins that cause all sorts of joint pains, brain fog, neuro issues, and the list goes on.   One of the worse toxins left over is Ammonia.  Did you ever smell ammonia from your own body?  If so, you have an overload of toxins and it’s time to get rid of them.

With permission from Dr. Jernigan below are some interesting articles:


Below are quick facts about Lyme Disease from Dr. David Jernigan:


How to Dry Skin Brush:

Buy a natural fiber brush (I prefer Bernard Jensen brand).  Start at the lower part of your body and brush toward your heart using circular motions.  I like the long handle so I can do my back.  By dry skin brushing, one is opening up all the pores of your skin (also known as our 3rd kidney)  so toxins can come out.   It’s really amazing how much dead skin comes off and that dead skin is keeping those toxins inside.

Below is a link about Dry Skin Brushing:


Detoxing Instructions:


1.  Thermometer

2.  Natural Fiber Brush (for dry skin brushing to open up all the pores of the body).  I like the Bernard Jensen Brush.

3.  Hydrogen Peroxide (food grade from the drug store).

4.  Ginger (fresh) 2 – 4 tablespoons wrapped in a cloth or tea ball (or nylon hose)

5. Mustard Powder

6. Cayenne Pepper

Detox Bath: Put the thermometer in the water to make sure the temperature is around 98 degrees, NOT warmer. (You do not want HOT water as that can make you feel worse).

As the water is running, add 4 to 6 cups of Epsom Salts and entire bottle(s) of Hydrogen Peroxide (32 oz., food grade is 3%). Some use 2 bottles

Before getting into the bath, you will need a Natural Fiber Brush and do a “dry skin brushing” to unclog your pores always brushing toward your heart, don’t forget to brush the soles of your feet too!

The Epsom Salts help draw out the toxins and at the same time the magnesium absorbs into your bloodstream, most people do NOT have enough magnesium. The Hydrogen Peroxide adds oxygen into your bloodstream which lyme spirochetes hate. Try to stay in the bath a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes, the longer, the better.

Detox Baths are NOT a one time thing. One must do them daily or start off slow and eventually build up to them. One bath will not accomplish much. NOTE: Most people feel “worse” during the first week of detox baths and eventually feel better since it is a cumulative effect.

Epsom Salts and Hydrogen Peroxide: Recent research has shown that one when soaks in a bath of magnesium sulfate, both magnesium and the sulfate independently increase measurably in the blood and urine. Magnesium sulfate helps stabilize Hydrogen Peroxide so that the ultimate breakdown into H2O and free oxygen is more gradual and functional to the process of benefiting the body. This research documents the very real beneficial aspects of this bath therapy.

Actions of Bath Ingredients:

Hydrogen Peroxide: a simple non-toxic molecule of H2O2 that is beneficial in oxidizing (breaking down) toxins as well as killing anaerobic microbes. It will also detoxify pesticides and petroleum-based toxins and oxidize metals. Hydrogen Peroxide is also naturally produced by macrophages in the body to kill harmful bacteria.

The Epsom Salt Council reports this:

Magnesium is the second most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most positivity charged ion in the body.

The National Academy of Sciences reports: Most Americans are magnesium deficient helping to account for our society’s high rate of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies and stress-related illnesses.

Raising magnesium levels may improve heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, lowering blood pressure. Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances.

Ginger: functions to open up pores of the skin and increase the blood flow at the surface of the skin so that the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide can do its work in detoxifying poisons and kill bacteria and fungi. The pores open wider so that the magnesium sulfate can be more readily absorbed. Ginger is invigorating and can stimulate perspiration for the elimination of toxins.

2. Foot Bath: There are so many “recipes” for foot baths, you can have fun with them and I do them when I am sitting at my computer or knitting on my couch relaxing.

***The Soles of the Feet have the most pores compared to any other part of the body (about 2000 pores per foot)***

Do this 2 to 3 times a day or more if you can for at least 30 minutes.

Mustard/Pepper Bath: Mix the following ingredients in warm water: Dry Mustard Powder (1 tablespoon), Cayenne Pepper (1 teaspoon), 1/2 tsp. dry Ginger Powder, 1/2 tsp. Rosemary Powder and soak for at least 30 minutes. There should be enough water to cover just above the ankles.

This foot soak is used as relief from general aches and pains, toxic headaches, increase blood and lymph circulation as well as giving a sense of well-being.

3. Dry Skin Brush: Once again, a natural fiber brush (can be found at any drug store), brush your entire body toward your heart. Purpose: Getting rid of dead skin that are clogging your pores and keeping toxins inside.

4. Internal Cleansing: Dr. Jernigan’s Paragen , wormwood, or any reputable product in order to get rid of parasites that come from drinking water, eating red meat, raw fish, and processed foods. I also like “living clay” or bentonite clay to drink internally but please read the instructions as it must be taken on an empty stomach. It is a fantastic binder of toxins and heavy metals and your body will not only eliminate them but also rid your body of parasites as well..

NOTE: People on antibiotics should NOT drink any type of clay.

5. Building Immune System: I drink Green Vibrance Powder (tastes really yucky but so healthy!).   I also take extra Vitamin C (rose hips are great).

When a person is sick with any illness it robs the body of these much-needed nutrients.

When a person’s immune system gets stronger, their body is more capable of fighting off bacteria and viruses on their own. Yes, lyme disease causes viruses too.

6. Diet: Avoid all sugar, alcohol, breads, carbs as they convert into sugar, try to eat healthy and avoid acidic foods (soda – any type is the worse thing a person could put into their body), very acidic. Drink as much filtered water as possible (adding fresh lemon is very good), at least 6 glasses a day (I don’t believe in bottled water, they say it’s really tap water).

7. Stress: Stress is detrimental to anyone’s health and to try to eliminate as much stresses from your life can only benefit you. Of course there are stresses one can not avoid but one can learn how to deal with it in a healthier fashion, having a stressful day? Learn deep breathing exercises, watch a funny movie.

8. When you feel strong enough, try to start exercising even if it is only yoga as stretching is so good for you and also relaxing. There is meditation if you can’t exercise. As you build up your immune system you will get strong enough to do whatever exercise of you like.

Purpose: you are getting oxygen into your bloodstream and lyme bacteria hate oxygen! Plus the extra benefits of exercise is it makes you feel good mentally because it naturally raises your serotonin levels and helps with depression.

9. Find a licensed Lymphatic Drainage Therapist, LDT is another fantastic way to rid your body of toxins.

If you can start doing some of these things, your body will love you for it and you will start feeling so good!

10. Positive thinking – It takes training of the mind but you if really want to do it, you can. We all have choices on how we view life, one can choose to be negative, angry or bitter or just accept that you are ill because acceptance is half the battle with any disease and leads to a more healthy way of life by dealing with it.

What this does for Lyme: By detoxing you are ridding your body of the toxins and ammonia that lyme bacteria cause. By building up your immune system, your body can start killing off the bacteria on it’s own.


Juicing or Green Smoothies
detox foot pads
sauna (if you have access to one)
liver/gallbladder cleanse
coffee enema
lymph drainage
organic body products
water testing
parasite cleanse
candida cleanse
essential oils for detoxification
magnet therapy for electromagnetic stress

Some products that reduce toxic load (and even rid the body of toxins) is Dr. Jernigan’s Neuro Antitox (there are 3 different formulas (I used the CNS/PNS Formula) and also Molybdenum is helpful.

Detoxifying is much like exercising, you need to do it regularly and in consistent doses in order to get results. You won’t get miracle results from one-time use.